Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Here's my job application.

Dear Australian state of Queensland tourism board,
I hereby submit my application for this job. I don't think you should look for anyone to take the position anymore - I'm the perfect candidate.

  1. I'm not glamorous. I'm not young, not skinny, and not beauteous. I'm low maintenance and just me. But hey, I was a homecoming queen once, does that count for anything?

  2. I'm not charismatic. I'm plain and boring. I don't have exciting stories. I'm not a comedian.

  3. I'm not a good writer. I've been blogging just about every day for the past month or so, but basically talk about nothing.

  4. I come with baggage. I've got a husband and two kids. They have to come with me... six months is a long time to be without them. Oh, and my husband needs to have a job too.

  5. I'm up for every adventure. Snorkling? SCUBA? Hiking? Zorbing? Bungee? Alligator wrestling? Whatever, I'll do it. And that's the truth.

Well, that's it. Think I can have the job? Yeah, didn't think so.
Love, just me

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