Sunday, April 25, 2010

An uphill battle

Lost 20 lbs so far!
That was purely from diet change.
Now, I've plateaued.
Have to start going to the gym regularly.
The question is, join the ultra-hip, very popular gym in town, with the state-of-the-art equipment, plethora of group classes, pool, personal trainers, weigh-ins, people from town that I don't want watching me, crazy-high initiation fee, and ridiculous monthly fee,
Use the gym at work, which is conveniently just beneath my office, with people I work with that I don't want watching me, no initiation fee, and free.
Which am I more likely to keep up?
I won three personal training sessions at the really nice gym, and have been going every week. Now it's over. Have to figure out what to do.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A rite of passage

Took the boy to the school district art show at the high school today. Art from all grades were featured. The boy is taking art as an elective and as a "cycle" class this quarter, so he had some work featured there. Some really impressive stuff from kids in town!

We then went food shopping. I was thrilled that the boy was really chatty. I was taken by surprise when he asked me to buy all of the following:

1. Toothpaste
2. Mouthwash
3. Tooth whitening pre-rinse
4. Razors
5. Shaving cream

Sniff. The first razor. OK OK maybe not as significant as the first tooth or the first shoes or the first steps. But!! My baby boy needs a shave!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

What else not to do on a spring day.

Would you believe I spent ANOTHER beautiful spring day indoors? Getting re-certified for CPR, in preparation for the girl's camping trip in a few weeks. My luck: it will pour the whole camping weekend.